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healthy magazine

Cities Versus Suburbs

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Rethink Throwing Out Fat

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Protein 101

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A guide to workouts that actually apply to everyday activity Written by Greg Marshall | The GYM When most fitness professionals talk about fitness most of the time they are referring to how they can change how you look. But it is rare to find a fitness professional that will give you workout advice day-to-day …

A modern approach to discipline Written by Angela Silva | Healthy Magazine The art of disciplining is a timeless challenge, as evidenced by the proverb from thousands of years ago: “train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Furthermore, child discipline sits on …

Sports injuries are the second leading cause of emergency room visits for children and adolescents Written by Brooke Kittel Participation in youth sports is at an all-time high in the United States. The proliferation of club-type teams has opened the sporting arena to a much wider circle of kids than ever before.    According to …

The termination of a weekend is a terrible way to start your week, but it’s a cruel monster we all face. Sunday Night Blues Are Real In a recent international poll, 78 percent of respondents reported experiencing “Sunday Night Blues.” In the US, 59 percent said they get it “really bad.” Source: A survey …

Sleep Disorder News

Written by Healthy Magazine Sleep. We do it every day, and often, we don’t do it enough. Sleep is vital to overall wellbeing, and for preventing a variety of chronic medical conditions. New research presented in Copenhagen shows that sleep disturbances may increase your chances of developing Alzheimer’s. Research suggests that sleep is vital in …

The biggest reasons mornings suck and how to avoid it Written by Angela Silva “Rough night, huh?” your coworker asks as you groggily plop down at your desk. It isn’t any secret that you rushed to work today, considering your wrinkled shirt, gallon of caffeine in tow, and your tired, baggy eyes. It happens to …

Decisions Determine Destiny

Editor’s Note.  July 2014.  Written By John A. Anderson   Have you ever wondered where you’d be in life if you had made different choices?  Take a moment and perform the “hindsight is 20-20” exercise and review some of the decisions of your life that were critical in getting you where you are today. Sure, …

Many people become immobile when emergency strikes, and this results in further casualty Written by Michael Richardson | Healthy Magazine A plane in England catches on fire. Instead of trying to escape, people stay in their chairs or try to get their luggage. An oil rig is falling apart, and one worker runs to safety, while …

A recent study suggests poor sleep or a lack of sleep may affect the size of your brain Written by Taylor Smith | Healthy Magazine European researchers recently looked at 147 adults between the ages of 20 and 84 to examine the link between poor sleep and participants’ brain volume. During the course of this …

Michelle Vance’s battle with bipolar disorder, and how she overcame Written by Michael Richardson | Healthy Magazine Understanding your enemy is the first key to winning a battle, but more often than not, that is a luxury the mentally ill don’t possess. The story of Salt Lake City’s Michelle Vance highlights the damage mental illness’ …