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Rethink Throwing Out Fat

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The Misuse of ADHD Stimulants Leading to ER Visits

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Fashions Trends That Rose From the Dead

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fat is healthy

The Craze for Low-Fat Dairy May be Slimming Down By Sadie Wirthlin For years, people have been told to lose full-fat milk and to drink low fat or skim milk instead. Research has shown links between full-fat dairy, weight gain, and disease risks. BUT now those same researchers are pressing on the brakes and questioning …

Frequent Fighting Means Frequent Dying

Contention tied to earlier death Written by Karli Moats | It is safe to say that one of America’s favorite hobbies is observing others in conflict. You turn on the TV to find shows splurging with reality, drama, and our favorite—the confrontation. Everywhere you look you find media broadcasting fights, divorce, and abuse. When you …

Heart Rhythm Society’s Annual “AFib Feels Like” Campaign Educates Salt Lake City Residents on the Common Heart Arrhythmia and Its Connection to Stroke  WASHINGTON, September 9, 2014 — Misconceptions about atrial fibrillation (AF) are common among people nationwide, according to a new survey by the Heart Rhythm Society (HRS). More than half (56 percent) of Americans …

What’s the story with milk? Is it healthy or harmful? Depends on who you ask. Written by John A. Anderson, Editor in Chief If you’re interested in a nutritional debate – talk milk. There are definitely two sides to that issue. The pro-milk campaign is featured prominently by the dairy industry through a variety of …

Fast Food Phthalates

Written by Brenna Houck – It’s generally accepted that fast food isn’t particularly healthy, but a new study out this week suggests that people who consume more fast food may also be ingesting potentially harmful chemicals. According to Bloomberg, the research provides evidence that fast food is a major source of a category of industrial chemicals called …

Just What the Doctor Ordered

A Look at Prescription Drug Abuse in Utah Written by Allyson Gordon | The rate of prescription drug abuse deaths in Utah has increased 59 percent since 1999, and 284 percent since 1979, according to a recent report from Trust for America’s Health, a non-profit public health organization. This dramatic increase has brought along …

The Health Effects of Living near Major Roads Written by Angela Silva It’s easy to be distracted by annoying sounds or bothered by loud noises when you’re trying to focus. Perhaps the neighbors play their music way too loud when you’re trying to sleep, or your coworkers have loud conversations near your desk as you …

By Caitlin Schille Water fluoridation is a hotly contested topic in contemporary Western society. Lauded by some as one of the greatest public health achievements of the 20th century, other fringe groups blame it for rising ADHD rates and cite it as a cause of cancer. While water fluoridation certainly has clear oral health benefits, …

Written By Lauren Turville Research suggests that a new drug used to increase sexual desire in women may have more negative side effects than positive results. Just a year ago, in 2015, the FDA approved a drug called flibanseri, used to increase female sexual desire. Although taking this drug may sound great for women experiencing …

When Panic, Fear, and Worries Overwhelm Anxiety, panic disorder, fear.  Many of us worry from time to time. We fret over finances, feel anxious about job interviews, or get nervous about social gatherings. These feelings can be normal or even helpful. They may give us a boost of energy or help us focus. But for …