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Just What the Doctor Ordered

A Look at Prescription Drug Abuse in Utah Written by Allyson Gordon | The rate of prescription drug abuse deaths in Utah has increased 59 percent since 1999, and 284 percent since 1979, according to a recent report from Trust for America’s Health, a non-profit public health organization. This dramatic increase has brought along …

Focusing on Fibromyalgia You’ve probably heard of fibromyalgia, but you may not know what it is. Fibromyalgia is a long-term (chronic) pain condition that affects 5 million or more Americans ages 18 and older. For unknown reasons, most people diagnosed with fibromyalgia are women, although men and children also can be affected. People with certain …

Written by Tam Warner Minton When I began solo traveling and performing citizen science after my children left home, one of my family’s major concerns was how I would manage my back pain alone. What would I do without help? I have had two major back surgeries, and I am fused from L2-S2 with rods …

The founder of National Concussion Awareness Day talks about misconceptions surrounding concussions, and some hope for the future. Written by Brooke Mills, founder of National Concussion Awareness Day Two years ago, after struggling from Post-Concussion Syndrome, I founded National Concussion Awareness Day. In my journey I saw firsthand the lack of understanding that surrounds mild …

Written By Caitlin Schille Let’s take a walk back to junior high school and do a refresher course on herpes. Here are some facts about herpes: Is herpes a virus or a bacteria? Herpes is a virus. Viruses are smaller than bacteria and need a living host to survive- such as your body. Where can …

How rotten luck and multiple kidney stones made my diet better Written by Samantha Stahl The hospital smelled funny, but that wasn’t new information. To me, hospitals always smell weird. The walls in this room weren’t white; green and blue covered parts of the walls, making me think of the ocean. I could feel the …