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Cities Versus Suburbs

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My Child is Obese: What Do I Do?

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Why and How to Punish Children

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Cities Versus Suburbs

Where is the Best Place to Raise a Family? Written by Michael Richardson | Healthy Magazine Skyscrapers and designer stores versus backyards and block parties—a century-old debate for families. Parents want the best for their kids and for themselves, and wonder if a thriving city trumps a calm neighborhood. Schools, safety, culture, environment and dozens …

obese child

Written by Angela Silva The data doesn’t lie: according to a 2014 report from the Center for Disease Control, nearly one-third of all children ages 2–19 are overweight or obese. Parents of obese children wonder what to do to make the future brighter for their kids, but misconceptions exist that propel childhood obesity forward. The …

A modern approach to discipline Written by Angela Silva | Healthy Magazine The art of disciplining is a timeless challenge, as evidenced by the proverb from thousands of years ago: “train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Furthermore, child discipline sits on …

Sports injuries are the second leading cause of emergency room visits for children and adolescents Written by Brooke Kittel Participation in youth sports is at an all-time high in the United States. The proliferation of club-type teams has opened the sporting arena to a much wider circle of kids than ever before.    According to …

Written by Angela Silva Happiness attracts happiness. Beauty attracts beauty. There is a very real, almost magnetic phenomenon in life that draws us toward goodness. Just think about it – we all know those people that we love being around, who just make us feel incredible and important. They make us forget about our problems …

By MotivHealth Child eating large quantities of fatty foods. Preventing Childhood Obesity A Lethal Epidemic This week (July 4-10) is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Week. However, we should really be focusing on prevention year-round as U.S. childhood obesity rates have doubled, and teen obesity rates have tripled, since 1980. Obesity heavily contributes to several serious physical and …

by MotivHealth Nothing melts your heart quite like the gaze of a fluffy puppy. But did you know that puppies don’t just melt your heart, but also improve your heart’s health? Owning a pet decreases your risk of cardiovascular disease and can even lead to longer survival after a heart attack. Pets are little first aid kits with four …

By MotivHealth Did you know that one in three American adults, and one in six American children, are obese? Each new generation lives a more sedentary lifestyle than the last. A study by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services detected a cause-and-effect relationship between screen time and obesity: high screen time averages correlate with high obesity …

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair.” -Nelson Mandela Written by Taylor Smith | A Nelson …

The Cardiovascular Decline of Our Kids

Whether it’s TV, video games, or simply a lack of interest, studies show our kids are becoming less and less physically fit. By Taylor Smith | It seems as though adults have been asking the same question with slight variations for a long time now—“What’s with kids these days?”. My grandparents asked the same questions …