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“X” Out Food Poisoning

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Yoga = A Healthy Brain

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That Time of the Month: Everything Women Need to Know About Exercising on Their Period

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herbal remedies menopause

Written by Sadie Wirthlin Every woman will experience the hormonal decrease that is menopause, the effects of which are normally treated with prescription medicine. Although medication can help in most cases, some women fear the effect that long-term drug use can have on the body, even with prescription drugs. As an alternative, a recent study …

food poisoning

Written by Sadie Wirthlin When you’re out on vacation, the last thing you want to be doing is to be stuck in bed, sick from food poisoning. Stomach infections, such as E. coli, have been reported in the news more and more over this last year, but even if they seem almost unavoidable, there are …

How yoga benefits pre-Alzheimer’s cognitive impairment more than memory-boosting exercises Written by Sadie Wirthlin  Mental function can decline as individuals grow older, and studies have shown that exercise like running and weight training can lower the risk of mental deterioration, specifically in cases of developing dementia. A combination of these exercises and meditation has also …

Pre-workout foods that will dampen your intensity and affect your results By Greg Marshall, The GYM at City Creek 1. Fast Food Fast foods are not a good pre-workout meal because they have a lot of empty calories and fat content. These meals also have a lot of sugar-based carbohydrates, which spikes your insulin and …

exercise outdoors

A fitness conundrum Written by Sadie Wirthlin A monthly period can have a great effect on a woman’s body and how she feels. Suffering from severe menstrual cramps, headaches, and fatigue are just a few of the symptoms that may make a woman want to curl up in the fetal position and not move. Exercise …

Specific ways exercise benefits your mind Written by Sadie Wirthlin Exercising isn’t just something for physical health; it also makes you feel happier and can melt your worries away! Dianna Purvis Jaffin, PhD, director of Strategy and Programs at the Center for Brain Health’s Brain Performance Institute, stated that the brain is not a separate, …

250000 deaths preventable

Diagnostic errors, preventable effects, provider judgment lead to 250,000 deaths a year, research says Written by Lauren Turville A recent study completed by a team of medical professors at Johns Hopkins University suggests the human error should be recognized by the CDC as the third leading cause of death in the United States. This study …

obese child

Written by Angela Silva The data doesn’t lie: according to a 2014 report from the Center for Disease Control, nearly one-third of all children ages 2–19 are overweight or obese. Parents of obese children wonder what to do to make the future brighter for their kids, but misconceptions exist that propel childhood obesity forward. The …

Women are breaking down old gender stereotypes, but so are fathers, and the effects equally influential   Gone are the days of firmly divided roles in parenting. Fathers today spend about an hour more per workday with their children than dads of decades past, and that includes everything from homework to diapers to story time. …

Knowing the difference between simple forgetfulness and the signs of dementia. Written by Caitlin Schille Everyone has experienced forgetfulness, whether it’s an overdue library book, late utility bill, or an ignored email from your boss. Some people are naturally more prone to be forgetful and scatterbrained than others. As it happens, being forgetful is a …