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It’s All About the ‘Like’

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Cities Versus Suburbs

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The Modern Dad

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social media likes

The effect social media is having on the adolescent brain Written by Sadie Wirthlin Social media has taken over, and we are living in a screen-to-screen reality. Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or Twitter, over 1 billion people are using some form of social media every day, and a new study reveals the effect it …

Cities Versus Suburbs

Where is the Best Place to Raise a Family? Written by Michael Richardson | Healthy Magazine Skyscrapers and designer stores versus backyards and block parties—a century-old debate for families. Parents want the best for their kids and for themselves, and wonder if a thriving city trumps a calm neighborhood. Schools, safety, culture, environment and dozens …

Women are breaking down old gender stereotypes, but so are fathers, and the effects equally influential   Gone are the days of firmly divided roles in parenting. Fathers today spend about an hour more per workday with their children than dads of decades past, and that includes everything from homework to diapers to story time. …

arrow road

What’s holding you back from a higher level you? 1. You focus on the injustice of everything. Humans tend to make themselves the victim. 2. You’re content with things you don’t really like. Your job is good enough, your waistline is okay and your diet habits aren’t bad. Reach the higher level you by ditching …

Knowing the difference between simple forgetfulness and the signs of dementia. Written by Caitlin Schille Everyone has experienced forgetfulness, whether it’s an overdue library book, late utility bill, or an ignored email from your boss. Some people are naturally more prone to be forgetful and scatterbrained than others. As it happens, being forgetful is a …

Written by Michael Richardson When the media talks about a mystery illness, it’s often in reference to some obscure disease with a horrific symptom. But there is an elusive, misunderstood illness that affects more than a million Americans of all ages, and researchers are hustling to get a grip on it, to create better pathways …

cognitive biases irrational

How you might not be as reasonable as you think. Written by Caitlin Schille As humans, we like to think we’ve got it all figured out. We are evolved, we are logical, and we invent new technology and make new scientific discoveries. However, despite the many achievements of the human race, most of us make …

Ways you can deal with common ailments at home Written by Caitlin Schille The use of home remedies, particularly herbal medicine, has grown in popularity in the United States—nearly one third of Americans use at-home treatments or herbs to treat various maladies. Wrongful deaths from prescription drugs, as seen commonly on nightly news channels, spur …

Asthma is often thought of as a condition that mainly affects children, like chicken pox. While many people first develop asthma during childhood, the signs and symptoms of asthma can actually pop up at any point during your life. Symptoms can appear at age 50, 60, or even higher, and when this occurs, it is …

The Health Effects of Living near Major Roads Written by Angela Silva It’s easy to be distracted by annoying sounds or bothered by loud noises when you’re trying to focus. Perhaps the neighbors play their music way too loud when you’re trying to sleep, or your coworkers have loud conversations near your desk as you …