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It’s All About the ‘Like’

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Cities Versus Suburbs

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The Modern Dad

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Myth of the Month A guide to medications that are past their prime. We’ve all experienced it: reaching into the cabinet only to find medicine labeled with an “EXP” date from the past, not the future. Here lies the choice: go to the doctor and get a new prescription, or just use the old stuff? …

Keeping kids active after school can be a challenge. Here are 4 ways to keeps your kids moving after homework. Written By Linsy Hunsaker | Healthy Magazine 1. Get Them Involved After school activities, like band or theater, are there for a reason. And if your child’s school doesn’t have anything, local YMCAs and “rec” …

why play is important

Written by Michael Richardson Charles Whitman was a married, 25-year-old engineering student at the University of Texas, described as a “model citizen.” He was an Eagle Scout, and served as a Marine Sharpshooter. An early-age intelligence test showed he had an IQ of 139. In 1966 Charles went to a tower overlooking the UT campus …

word power

Words In Marriage Dr. Gottman, a renowned marriage and relationship therapist, is able to predict divorce with startling accuracy. He does this using a “magic ratio” of positive to negative interactions. Negative: Arguing, criticism, sarcasm, whining Positive: Touching, smiling, paying compliments, laughing, sympathy As long as there are five times as many positive interactions between …

Bill Dluhosh, MT-BC In the 2000 movie Almost Famous there is a scene that takes place with the band traveling on a bus. Everyone is looking tired, weary, and solitary, and playing in the background is the Elton John song, Tiny Dancer. As the scene continues one person begins to sing, then another, and eventually …

gas mileage driving techniques

Certain driving techniques, called hypermiling, can significantly increase your gas mileage. The higher gas prices rise, the more significant these techniques become. You can literally double your gas mileage without adding anything to your engine. That is how much your driving style can influence your gas usage and, in turn, your wallet, say hypermiling enthusiasts, …

1. Getting the blood pumping helps with concentration. This is because the brain needs oxygen and cycling boosts blood flow and oxygen to the brain. Research shows that exercise can help keep your brain healthy. 2. Breathing in the fresh air does a body good—many studies show that just being in nature revitalizes a tired …

Written by Kayley Meden As summer persists, what better way to enjoy your day than taking a hike? Not only is it a good means of exercise, but a recent study shows that taking a hike or walk through nature can not only lighten your mood and be a source of peace and quiet, but …

97% of moms on Facebook post pictures of their kids. Are the privacy and security settings on social media sites like Facebook and Instagram enough to protect you and your children from predators or identity theft? We like to think so. With smartphones, it’s just second nature to snap a quick picture and let our …