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It’s All About the ‘Like’

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Cities Versus Suburbs

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The Modern Dad

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By Caitlin Schille In the span of about one decade, Facebook went from an entrepreneurial internet idea to a world-wide company worth hundreds of billions of dollars. It has fundamentally changed the way we interact and document our lives, and it paved the way for many social media spin-offs. And I’m here to tell you …

By MotivHealth Five Physical Setbacks Related to Stress Poor sleepHigh blood pressure and subsequent heart diseaseHeadachesAcne and other skin issuesWeight control Using Mindfulness to Overcome Stress Mindfulness is the practice of becoming intensely aware of your surroundings. Often, anxiety is triggered by the way we interpret events rather than the actual events themselves. Pay attention …

By MotivHealth It’s no secret that HSAs are an exceptional savings tool for employees and individuals. But did you know that employers reap the benefits of HSAs as well? As a recap, the benefits that HSAs provide employees and individuals include: The Triple Tax Advantage: First, all HSA contributions are tax free. Savings can either be deposited …

By MotivHealth Did you know that one in three American adults, and one in six American children, are obese? Each new generation lives a more sedentary lifestyle than the last. A study by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services detected a cause-and-effect relationship between screen time and obesity: high screen time averages correlate with high obesity …

By MotivHealth Just like our physical and nutritional health, our mental health is important. Having poor mental health can impact our day to day and lead to less satisfaction in life, less interest in careers and hobbies, and even isolate us from the ones we love. Mental illness isn’t limited to words like “depression” or …

by MotivHealth We’ve all fantasized about the joys of retirement, but how many of us actually have a retirement plan in place to make those dreams come true? Getting a head start on saving for potential medical costs in your retirement is now more important than ever, as healthcare costs have risen over 30% in …

Dad Hand-Me-Downs

What every father needs pass on to his kids Written by Taylor Smith | Normally, when we talk about “hand-me-downs” we’re talking about something that we don’t really want but we get anyway. Like clothes. Or an old pair of shoes that “don’t fit your brother anymore” so now you have to wear them. …

5 Tips for Curbing Your Candy Consumption

Seize the day, not the sweets Written by Linsy Hunsaker | 1. Eat More You’ve heard that eating small meals frequently throughout the day can help you lose weight, but have you ever wondered why? When your blood sugar drops, your body screams, “I need calories!” Don’t wait until you’re hungry to meet your …

Mistakes guys make with the ladies Written by Michael Richardson | Communication: Foot in the Mouth Mistaking the Purpose of Conversation While men generally like conversation to have a clear purpose, a woman will often use conversation to discover how she is feeling or to release negative feelings. These talks might seem pointless to …

Eliminate ‘whatshername’ and ‘whatshisface,’ ‘dude’ and ‘hey, buddy’ from your vocabulary once and for all. The following techniques can help you remember the names of everyone you meet. 1. Be interested. Many of us don’t even catch the other person’s name when they’re being introduced; we’re too focused on ourselves. It’s not always a vanity …