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Rethink Throwing Out Fat

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The Misuse of ADHD Stimulants Leading to ER Visits

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Fashions Trends That Rose From the Dead

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Antibiotic Resistance

The White House released an executive order recently calling antibiotic resistance a threat to national security, and declaring their commitment to fighting the problem, sometimes called Superbugs. Antiobiotic Misuse There are multiple reasons why certain strains of illness become resistant to common medication, according to the World Health Organization. “The evolution of resistant strains is …

cancer 2014

The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) released their 2014 report on the progress made against cancer. Here are some of their key findings: New Anticancer Medicines/Screenings Between August 2013 and July 2014, the FDA approved six new anticancer therapeutics and approved new uses for five previously approved anticancer therapeutics. Two imaging agents received cancer-related …