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Rethink Throwing Out Fat

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The Misuse of ADHD Stimulants Leading to ER Visits

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Fashions Trends That Rose From the Dead

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Study drugs

The danger and prevalence of ADHD medication abuse. Written by Sadie George High school and college students who find themselves in the library studying often have probably seen or heard of their peers using Adderall or Ritalin without a prescription. These stimulate medications, along with others, are prescribed to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) …

diet heart damage youth

By Caitlin Schille Historically, cardiovascular problems were seen as an adult’s problem- the classic heart attack stereotype is a mid-to-older-aged businessman. However, new research is indicating that children as young as eight years old already have damage to their hearts. What is fueling this childhood heart damage? The short answer is widespread obesity in children. …

Transitioning between jobs might leave you uncertain about health insurance coverage, but fortunately there are several coverage options for individuals.

Controversy of the Month How the beverage industry shapes the conversation and the affects legislation surrounding sugary drinks In the past six years, dozens of states and cities across the nation have tried to pass legislation putting a tax on sugary drinks in order to decrease consumption. Two arguments clash again and again: one side …

by Start Health Healthcare costs are on the rise, but you can save significantly by taking coverage into your own hands and start taking charge of your healthcare decisions. How does your Start plan work? Start has created a consumer-guided healthcare experience by allowing members to choose any provider for care (no networks, which means …

by Start Health The cost of healthcare is continually rising. In fact, U.S. healthcare spending is estimated to hit $6.2 trillion by 2028. Want to know a secret? It doesn’t have to be this way. You’re probably overspending on healthcare and Start has the solution. What’s to Blame for High Costs? There is not one …

Red Cross Says Test Your Smoke Alarms When You Turn the Clocks Ahead This Weekend SALT LAKE CITY UT March 6, 2017 — Daylight Saving Time begins Sunday at 2:00 a.m. so turn the clocks ahead one hour. The American Red Cross reminds everyone it’s also a good time to TEST the batteries in their …

Shattering an age old myth about diet and bone health Written by Sydney Cobb Calcium has long been heralded as a champion of healthy bones, especially for the elderly. Recent studies shed some light on the correlations between calcium intake and bone fractures, and the results are unexpected. Surprisingly, calcium does not make as much …

Antibiotics and obesity

Antibiotics and Obesity While antibiotics may play a part in the development of obesity, it probably isn’t a big enough factor to forego the benefits of antibiotics. Written by Caitlin Schille As obesity rates rise, particularly in children, the medical community has become increasingly aware of its negative health effects. Because of obesity’s myriad consequences, …

10 fashions you thought were dead but are very alive Jumpsuits Picking out shorts/pants to match a shirt seemed to be too much work for some girls in the ‘80s, so what did designers do? They made full-body articles of clothing, and named them jumpsuits. Fast-forward to 2015, and jumpsuits are back with a stylish …