What Doctor’s Want You To Know About Weight Loss Medication
Once someone chooses to lose weight, the thought of losing the most weight in the shortest period is often the expectation. It may or may not be realistic, and the motivation may be different for each individual, but overall the common request from my patient is this: “Doctor, what is the magic pill?” My experience …
Are You Loving Your Addict to Death?
One of the hardest situations that a family can face is having a loved one suffering from addiction. Families face a huge dilemma, in which they want to show love and support for their suffering loved one, but that loved one isn’t getting better and often seems to be getting worse. The question families need …
An Exciting Look At Boredom
Boredom Is a Rousing Issue After All Everybody has experienced boredom— an uninteresting class, a long drive, or a monotonous workday can easily incite those feelings of apathy and disinterest. But boredom comes in varying shapes and sizes, and so do boredom’s consequences. What causes feelings of boredom? According to Psychology Today, a novel experience …
What Is Hemp Oil?
Cannabis just can’t seem to stay out of the news, but despite the attention, misperception still clouds around the plant. Many hear words like “hemp” and “marijuana” and “cannabis” and assume they are all the same thing. Others argue about potential health benefits of each. From those advocating a particular valuable component of cannabis comes …
Is Halotherapy (Salt Therapy) Worthwhile?
By Joy Stephenson-Laws, JD (Proactive Health Labs) You are probably familiar with how uncomfortable it is to get salt in your eye or in an open wound. So the idea of breathing in salt as a form of therapy might not sound very appealing. Also called halotherapy (the word “halo” is a Greek prefix that …
New Treatments For Sleep Apnea Offer CPAP Alternative
For the millions with sleep apnea, the traditional treatment option is a CPAP machine. While CPAP is often effective, patients struggle to continue using it. Many patients become non-compliant, and then the symptoms and risks associated with poor sleep return, such as increased risk for heart attack, stroke, weight gain, high blood pressure and heart …
Mental Health and The American Male
Written by Dr. Salvatore Giorgianni, PharmD and Armin Brott, MBA Far too many American males are caught up in a storm of under-recognized, under-diagnosed, and poorly treated mental health issues, whose consequences play out in tragic headlines every day. They also play out—more quietly, yet more devastatingly—in homes and communities across the country. To get …
Can Using Cannabis Lead to Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety?
By Antoine Kanamugire, MD Marijuana can make you feel good in the moment, but that longed for “feel-good moment” can play tricks on us; When use turns to abuse, marijuana could be a smoke screen hiding our profound suffering and pain, symptoms that will only become obvious to us later on down the road of …
Taking Back Sunday
The 1/7 rule Written by Michael Richardson It’s a day of rest, a day off, a play day, a slow day, a different kind of day for each person. Sunday can be a vital day to recharge, but it’s easy to squander. 3 Ways To Waste Your Sunday Sleep until you’re hungry, eat until you’re …
Kill Gym Intimidation
Starting a new fitness routine comes with a lot of challenges. Self discipline and confidence is needed in many aspects of life, including when it comes to your health. Some challenges may show before you step into the gym. Gym intimidation comes in a number of forms and is always a big distraction. Whether you’re …