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One Day Meal Plan

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Enjoying Food, or Eating Emotionally?

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Aisle Warfare

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Written by Sadie Wirthlin The FDA is making a change to all food labels. First lady Michelle Obama, who has been a leading figure in the movement, says that revisions will hopefully reach all labels in the next two to three years. Parts of the label that will be getting a makeover are calories, serving …

By April Berezay, 3 Major Guidelines Eat every three hours Eat a protein source, a veggie carb source at every meal and a healthy fat source with at least 4 meals a day. Eat 5 Vegetables to 1 Fruit portion a day Upon waking, drink 8 oz. of alkaline water and drink throughout the …

Food-borne illness, more commonly called food poisoning, sure packs a wallop. With severe flu-like symptoms that attack suddenly, it can ground even the healthiest of individuals. Unlike the seasonal flu, food poisoning can attack at any time and in any place. Food poisoning can have several causes. One of these is cross-contamination—for instance, when a …

Need some better snack options around the house or on the go? Try these. Picky Bars Picky bars are more than fun packaging and names (Cookie Doughpness, Need For Seed); they provide a wide variety of excellent ingredients and nutrients. They are healthy protein bars made out of real food, not some chemical concoction. 10 …

Jennifer Christman, RDN, LDN, CPT, Clinical Nutrition Manager at Medifast, Inc. The holiday season can be a time of excess, both in eating and in celebration. It’s easy to overindulge in large portions of high calorie foods; tis the nature of holidays for many people. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be. If you’re looking to …

How to get on the offensive when it comes to overeating Written by Michael Richardson Holiday memories are great—except for the ones that remain in your love handles. The holidays are about family, fun and food, and we shun anything that tries to take away from those joys. But we also worry about our weight …

Enjoying Food

Written Angela Silva | There is an abundance of delicious food all around us. We all have our go-to favorites when it comes to comfort food. But at what point does consuming our favorite foods turn into a coping mechanism for our stress or emotions? Unfortunately, many people have become desensitized from their natural …

Written by Sophie Ringer America has changed a lot in the last 50 years. Hair trends, language and diet have all evolved. Research and developments have led Americans to make many dietary changes, such as eating chicken instead of red meat and choosing almond milk over whole milk. Today, food is cheaper and more available …

Written by Caitlin Schille Perhaps you remember the now-infamous “bacon study” that was released almost two years ago by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a branch of the World Health Organization (WHO). Parts of the official report used cautious language, stating that consumption of red meat is “probably carcinogenic to humans” and …

grocery shopping guide

Relearn how to grocery shop Written by Angela Silva You may think grocery shopping is just part of your routine, that you know what you’re doing each and every time you enter that giant pantry of endless culinary concoctions. But a grocery store is more like a board game, and every section, display, and worker …