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5 foods to avoid just before going to sleep

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A Salty Controversy

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My Child is Obese: What Do I Do?

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And other microwave questions By Angela Silva Rumors have circulated for years regarding the safety of using microwaves. But are they actually causing harm to our food and our bodies? Take a big sigh of relief over that microwave popcorn you just ate, because microwaves are perfectly safe and actually one of the best methods …

By Caitlin Schille Water fluoridation is a hotly contested topic in contemporary Western society. Lauded by some as one of the greatest public health achievements of the 20th century, other fringe groups blame it for rising ADHD rates and cite it as a cause of cancer. While water fluoridation certainly has clear oral health benefits, …

It sounds like a hip new video game, but the omega-6 controversy is actually part of every American’s daily life. At the root of the issue is the United States’ drastic dietary turn that happened about 65 years ago, which left us with nutritional excesses and deficiencies that altered the national health landscape. The Background …

Nutrition tips

Mineral deficiencies are responsible for a host of health problems, which are incorrectly treated by drugs. Some say we should be ingesting certain amounts of vitamin and mineral supplements to prevent disease, like osteoporosis. Robert Thompson, M.D. says these recommendations might actually lead to serious health problems. He offers these suggestions for Americans to take charge of …

coconut water facts and fiction

The truths and myths behind all the coconut water buzz Lately it seems that everyone is nuts for coconuts—coconut water that is. From celebrity endorsements to the “mother nature’s sports drink” nickname, coconut water is falling off the shelves around the nation. So what’s all the hype about? Coconut water is said to be low …

Healthy Magazine

Should you eat before a workout or not? Written by Taylor Smith | Healthy Magazine Anyone who visits the gym regularly has experienced that age-old dilemma—should I eat something right before I go workout? There seems to be two camps of divided opinion regarding this question. One camp says, no way. The other says, go …

Why energy bars don’t know what they are supposed to be anymore, and how to navigate Written by Kate Flannery, Is there any among us who haven’t yet tried energy bars? These are bars that you take before exercise. Or was it after exercise? No, wait, they replace a meal immediately after exercising so …

By April Berezay, 3 Major Guidelines Eat every three hours Eat a protein source, a veggie carb source at every meal and a healthy fat source with at least 4 meals a day. Eat 5 Vegetables to 1 Fruit portion a day Upon waking, drink 8 oz. of alkaline water and drink throughout the …

Controversy of the Month How the beverage industry shapes the conversation and the affects legislation surrounding sugary drinks In the past six years, dozens of states and cities across the nation have tried to pass legislation putting a tax on sugary drinks in order to decrease consumption. Two arguments clash again and again: one side …

Pumpkin, cranberries and other food traditions should grace your table more often Written by Emma Penrod Turkey is a given. Not only is it great for Thanksgiving, but it’s great for your health, and as such it’s fortunate that turkey is part of America’s year-round cuisine. But some of turkey’s fruit and vegetable companions are …