My Child is Obese: What Do I Do?

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The Modern Dad

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Scatterbrained: dementia or forgetfulness?

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Anytime workout

By April Berezay, 3 rounds, 1 of each exercise per round. Each round should take six minutes, with 1 minute of recovery. Perform each exercise sequentially for one minute. Quad Superman 1. Begin on all fours with both knees and hands on the floor. 2. Raise one arm and the opposite leg straight up …

cognitive biases irrational

How you might not be as reasonable as you think. Written by Caitlin Schille As humans, we like to think we’ve got it all figured out. We are evolved, we are logical, and we invent new technology and make new scientific discoveries. However, despite the many achievements of the human race, most of us make …

doctor wait times

Still Waiting… New surveys shed light on wait times for different medical practices. One might assume that expanding health coverage to more people might increase the amount of time we have to wait in an office to see a doctor. Recent data from Vitals shows that wait times in-office have actually decreased. National Average: 19:16 …

Written by Mary Toscano What Does A Probiotic Do? The gut-friendly bugs in probiotic supplements offer a wide range of health benefits to fitness and sports enthusiasts. These good bugs accelerate recovery from physical exhaustion and improve the immune defense which weakens with rigorous exercise. A daily dose of probiotic supplements will aid in overcoming …

empty calories

Research shows that Americans are consuming absurd amounts of food that provides little to nothing for our bodies—a.k.a empty calories In the era where “gluten-free” and “organic” are common terms, we seem more health conscious than ever before. But are we really giving our bodies what they need? A closer look at the American diet …

Fast Food Phthalates

Written by Brenna Houck – It’s generally accepted that fast food isn’t particularly healthy, but a new study out this week suggests that people who consume more fast food may also be ingesting potentially harmful chemicals. According to Bloomberg, the research provides evidence that fast food is a major source of a category of industrial chemicals called …

cottonwood trees wade richardson

Painting Credit: Wade Richardson How art is connected with wellbeing Humans are drawn to different forms of expression, even as infants. Most children spend countless hours with crayons, even toddlers love to dance, and many can’t help but sing. It is within our nature to be have interest in the arts of expression, which is …

Green Tea Weight Loss

Written by Taylor Smith | Weight loss pills—we dismiss them out of hand, largely because we think they’re too good to be true. If there were some magic pill that could help us lose weight, obesity wouldn’t be a worldwide epidemic projected to be the number one cause of death around the world by …

Ways you can deal with common ailments at home Written by Caitlin Schille The use of home remedies, particularly herbal medicine, has grown in popularity in the United States—nearly one third of Americans use at-home treatments or herbs to treat various maladies. Wrongful deaths from prescription drugs, as seen commonly on nightly news channels, spur …

Asthma is often thought of as a condition that mainly affects children, like chicken pox. While many people first develop asthma during childhood, the signs and symptoms of asthma can actually pop up at any point during your life. Symptoms can appear at age 50, 60, or even higher, and when this occurs, it is …