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GREEN: The Color of Weight Loss?

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11 Habits of Fit People

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How to Cheat on Your Diet–Vacation Style

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Green Tea Weight Loss

Written by Taylor Smith | Weight loss pills—we dismiss them out of hand, largely because we think they’re too good to be true. If there were some magic pill that could help us lose weight, obesity wouldn’t be a worldwide epidemic projected to be the number one cause of death around the world by …

Written by Brooke Kittel Do you know people that seem to effortlessly maintain a fit physique?  While they certainly pay attention to their diet and exercise regimens, they seem to be genetic “freaks of nature”.  In actuality, fit people tend to adhere to several common practices that give their metabolism and physique an extra boost.  …

How to Cheat on Your Diet

Three tips for staying thin while having fun. Written by Linsy Hunsaker | We all want to look good in our bathing suits, but vacation can be the biggest temptation yet. Watching everyone else indulge in ice cream on the beach or hamburgers by the pool is anything but relaxing. So here are a …

The Most Important Meal of the Day?

New Study Says Breakfast May Not Matter Written by Taylor Smith | For years and years, mothers and nutritionist everywhere have told us that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Their explanations have been many and more—“It will boost your metabolism!” or “You won’t eat as much at lunch!” and so …

5 Tips for Curbing Your Candy Consumption

Seize the day, not the sweets Written by Linsy Hunsaker | 1. Eat More You’ve heard that eating small meals frequently throughout the day can help you lose weight, but have you ever wondered why? When your blood sugar drops, your body screams, “I need calories!” Don’t wait until you’re hungry to meet your …

Diet Soda Dieting

Brand new study says that diet soda may help with weight loss  Written By Karli Moats |  When most people want to shed some pounds they also frequently commit to shedding their diet soda addiction. These artificially sweetened drinks have often been said to increase the desire for sweets and halt the process of …