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For Workouts, Is Cold Water Better Than Room Temperature?

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Perception Versus Reality at the Gym

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Cardio Exercises are Better For Your Brain 

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Elana Meyers Taylor

Team USA Olympic Athlete Elana Meyers Taylor Healthy Magazine: What muscle groups do you focus on for bobsled training? Elana: Bobsled training is very specific to developing power, speed, and strength.  Although you need total body fitness, we specifically focus on lower body and hip strength.  We do a lot of squats and power cleans …

Punching Bag Workout You’ll need:  A punching bag Tape or gloves Warm Up:  20 pushups Arm rotations (go through your range of motion) 20 body-weight squats Your Stance: Stable stance, bent knees Hands raised to chest level Feet are generally offset, so your non-dominant foot is slightly forward The Workout Take a 30 second break …

Written by Caitlin Schille, MPH Are you familiar with the relatively new term of “fat-shaming?” Fat-shaming is when people try to make others who fall into the categories of overweight and obese feel badly about themselves and about their bodies. Those staunchly against fat-shaming promote overall body positivity— the idea that all people should feel …

HIIT training

High intensity interval training (HIIT) has many advantages over other forms of exercise. Possibly its largest advantage is that HIIT can be performed with just about any piece of exercise equipment that you can think of, including your own body. This means that there is no reason at all why your exercises should become stale …

Olivia Harlan

ESPN and Fox Sports Sideline Reporter Healthy Magazine (HM): College football, NBA, multiple networks, sideline NFL reporter… My first question is: how have you not gone insane? In other words, what advice do you have about juggling priorities? Olivia (O): When it comes to priorities, I layer my to-do lists. Big picture (months, years down …

Do Corporate Wellness Programs Live Up to the Hype?  Written by Caitlin Schille  Corporate wellness programs are all the rage. Companies like them for many reasons, including saving money on healthcare expenditures, increasing employee productivity, promoting good company culture, and attracting the best employees. As a result of Affordable Care Act (ACA) stipulations that encourage workplace wellness, wellness programs have become quite …

TV watching stretches workout

7 stretches to do while watching tv After a long day, sitting down to watch your favorite TV show on a comfy couch sounds like the perfect reprieve. But, in the day of “Netflix and Chill” it can be easy to spend too much time sitting and not enough time taking care of our bodies. …

You’ve probably seen people using landmines at the gym, and wondered if that odd-looking workout method would help your fitness goals. What is a landmine? In its simplest format, the landmine consists of a rotating base into which an Olympic or standard size weight lifting bar (typically a 7-foot bar) is inserted, allowing the bar …

post pregnancy workout

Healthy moms want to work out, but pregnancy takes a toll Written by Healthy Magazine Staff Nine months is a long time. That’s a truth new mothers learn. And as the pregnancy progresses, normal fitness routines get more difficult. When the baby comes, new mothers might be fooled into thinking they’ll get their old lives …

Using an outdoor bike ride isn’t always possible. Say it’s raining and you simply aren’t equipped for a rain ride or are a little nervous about slick surfaces. Or maybe you just don’t have a decent road bike. So instead, you head to the gym and find the stationary bikes. Not everyone approaches a stationary …