My Child is Obese: What Do I Do?

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The Modern Dad

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Scatterbrained: dementia or forgetfulness?

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Menstrual phase mood

The PMS Controversy Research shows there is no relationship between daily moods and changing hormone levels. But is PMS really no more than a cultural myth? Written by Healthy Magazine Staff During that time of the month, a woman’s mood is victim to fluctuating hormones…right? While it may be surprising to many, and while my …

home births

Home births are on the rise, but is this good or bad? In recent years, the process of how babies are typically delivered in Western culture has been brought into question. Questions have been raised about epidurals, cesarean-sections and even the necessity of the doctor and hospital environment for delivery. Films such as The Business of …

smartphone separation anxiety

A new study confirms this is a real thing Written by Caitlin Schille  In the modern world, millions of people own smartphones. A smartphone not only takes phone calls and text messages, but it also has capabilities for email, GPS, and a myriad of other functions. As such, people have developed quite a dependence on …

body squat

How to do squats successfully Written by Greg Marshall, The GYM at City Creek When it comes exercising and strengthening the body, there are few exercises that can compare to the squat. Squats help build up the quadriceps and hamstrings, otherwise known as your legs. Squats also help to strengthen your core. The first thing …

Are you a tech wreck? Written by Angela Silva As technology continues to advance, so does the need to find balance and establish boundaries with the advancements. Technology does more for us now than it ever has. The invention of smartphones replaced a number of other services and devices, including but not limited to alarm …

Written by Taylor Smith  “Don’t forget to take your vitamin!” It’s an imperative command many of us are familiar with. Moms and wives remind children and husbands to take their Centrum or Flintstones multivitamin. Odds are you’ve shouted it at someone or had it shouted at you at some point in your life. But why? …

Most of us end up throwing out more trash than we think. Even with recycling, there’s usually more we can be doing to cut down on our waste. With a little creativity, it can be easy to take common household items and find ways to reuse them. Here are just a few suggestions: Old Dish …

Written by Angela Silva When it comes to preventing illnesses, we all want to do what’s best for ourselves and our families. One of the most basic ways to prevent illness is through hand-washing. But how do we know if the soap we’re using is actually helping eliminate germs and clean our hands? Here are …

post workout soreness

A guide to after-workout soreness Written by Healthy Magazine Staff A good workout means you’ll feel it the day after, right? Yes and no. Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) does mean that you taxed your muscles. And whether we like it or not, it is the only way to get significantly stronger. There is, however, …

nutrition needs infants

Written by Whitney Lewis  The food pyramid (or plate these days, with provides a good guideline, but the truth is, your body needs different things in different growing stages. So before you go putting your baby on a skim milk diet or get fed up with your teenage son’s requests for more meat, look …