weight lifting
Protein 101
A guide to navigating the world of protein supplements. By Taylor Smith | Healthy-Mag.com If you’ve been to the gym, you’ve probably heard a personal trainer or a friend say that you’ve got to drink a protein shake after your workout. Judging by the way manypeople talk about the importance of protein, it seemsalmost as essential …
10 Ways to Grow Muscle Fast
Supercharge a boring gym session. by Myatt Murphy | Healthy-Mag.com We should have a “refresh” button for everything: a bitter coworker, a lame bar scene, the National Hockey League. Just a click or two could give us instant improvement. Same with tired workouts. Maybe yours has frozen up like a gym version of Windows 95. …
5 Weight Training Tips for New Gym Goers
Written by Zach Gee Weight training is one of the most important types of exercise you can do. Its benefits include increased strength, increased power, increased muscle mass, increased metabolism, increased flexibility, improved posture, improved balance and stability, and decreased chance of injury. With all of these benefits, there is a reason why it is …