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Study Suggests Acetaminophen in Pregnancy linked to ‘ADHD-like behaviors’

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Acetaminophen study

By Taylor Smith | Acetaminophen, the active agent in drugs like Tylenol, is the most common drug ingredient in America. It is found in more than 600 over-the-counter and prescription medications including pain relievers, fever reducers, sleep aids, and even allergy medicines. A new study from researchers in Denmark indicates that the use of acetaminophen …

The Best Days to Conceive

Many women trying to conceive are confused about their period, the 28-day cycle and when they’re most likely to get pregnant. When a couple is planning to have a baby, understanding the 28-day cycle can mean the difference between success and disappointment, says Gloria Richard-Davis, MD, Ob/Gyn, fertility specialist and author of Planning Parenthood. Timing …

post pregnancy workout

Healthy moms want to work out, but pregnancy takes a toll Written by Healthy Magazine Staff Nine months is a long time. That’s a truth new mothers learn. And as the pregnancy progresses, normal fitness routines get more difficult. When the baby comes, new mothers might be fooled into thinking they’ll get their old lives …

It may be legal, but it might not be safe Written by Caitlin Schille   Pregnancy can be accompanied by pain, nausea, anxiety and other symptoms, and some women find relief through marijuana, despite some red flags from research on the effects to the baby. A recent federal survey found that the numbers of pregnant …