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Cancer Screenings: Pros and Cons

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Mental Health and The American Male

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cancer screening risks

The medical world has made tremendous progress in cancer screenings and prevention. It is important for everyone, men and women alike, to understand their risk factors for certain types of cancer, and to be tested appropriately. There are sometimes different screening methods for each type of cancer and risks and benefits associated with each. Here …

Men and suicide mental health

Written by Dr. Salvatore Giorgianni, PharmD and Armin Brott, MBA Far too many American males are caught up in a storm of under-recognized, under-diagnosed, and poorly treated mental health issues, whose consequences play out in tragic headlines every day. They also play out—more quietly, yet more devastatingly—in homes and communities across the country. To get …

gender differences

Cooties and Cooperation Written by Michael Richardson  Women are bad at driving and too emotional. Men are angry and lazy. Stereotypes like these and many more persist in our culture today, even though science tells another story. With both biological and societal roots, gender dissimilarities do exist, but they often don’t follow society’s stereotypes, and …