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My Child is Obese: What Do I Do?

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skin care children

The what and how on sunscreen and mosquito repellent use Written by Sadie Wirthlin With the summer season in full swing, many people are getting outside and enjoying the heat. Warm weather often calls for pool days and campfire nights. There is a lot to do during this wonderful time of year, but with it …

97% of moms on Facebook post pictures of their kids. Are the privacy and security settings on social media sites like Facebook and Instagram enough to protect you and your children from predators or identity theft? We like to think so. With smartphones, it’s just second nature to snap a quick picture and let our …

Child chores

Written by Caitlin Schille Most of us can easily recall the days of childhood chores. Maybe your family had a chore chart or chore wheel. Maybe chores were used as a form of punishment—in my family, the threat of weeding the ivy growing over the rock wall in our backyard was enough to correct any …

princess superhero kids

Disney princesses and the flood of recent superheroes might be teaching our children lessons we don’t want them to learn. Researchers at Brigham Young University (BYU) recently completed a study which showed that 4–year–olds remember the aggression of superhero movies, but not the reasons behind the aggression. Furthermore, study authors found that the “preschooler’s engagement …

obese child

Written by Angela Silva The data doesn’t lie: according to a 2014 report from the Center for Disease Control, nearly one-third of all children ages 2–19 are overweight or obese. Parents of obese children wonder what to do to make the future brighter for their kids, but misconceptions exist that propel childhood obesity forward. The …