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sleep disorders

Written by Michael Richardson When the media talks about a mystery illness, it’s often in reference to some obscure disease with a horrific symptom. But there is an elusive, misunderstood illness that affects more than a million Americans of all ages, and researchers are hustling to get a grip on it, to create better pathways …

Sleep Disorder News

Written by Healthy Magazine Sleep. We do it every day, and often, we don’t do it enough. Sleep is vital to overall wellbeing, and for preventing a variety of chronic medical conditions. New research presented in Copenhagen shows that sleep disturbances may increase your chances of developing Alzheimer’s. Research suggests that sleep is vital in …

A recent study suggests poor sleep or a lack of sleep may affect the size of your brain Written by Taylor Smith | Healthy Magazine European researchers recently looked at 147 adults between the ages of 20 and 84 to examine the link between poor sleep and participants’ brain volume. During the course of this …