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The Official “I Should Try That” List

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What steps might help you sustain and grow your retirement savings? Provided by Mark K. Lund “What is your greatest retirement fear?” If you ask retirees that question, “outliving my money” may likely be one of the top answers. Retirees and pre-retirees alike share this anxiety. In a 2014 Wells Fargo/Gallup survey of more than …

16 Things to Try That Will Make You Feel Smart, Save You Money and Save You Time 1. Run corn starch on impossible knots. 2. Stretch out tight shoes by placing a bag of water in each of them then putting them in the freezer. 3. If someone has sideswiped you, remove their paint from …

By Dr. Rachot Vacharothone, Owner of Medallus Medical A Brief History The practice of prepaying for medical care initially involved prepayment directly to doctors and hospitals for whatever limited services they could provide. Then it quickly transformed to prepaying a third-party administrator—a middleman—instead. This allowed members to access larger health systems and more facilities. This was the birth …