Healthy Magazine

How Attitude Affects Relationships 

Written by Angela Silva

Happiness attracts happiness. Beauty attracts beauty. There is a very real, almost magnetic phenomenon in life that draws us toward goodness. Just think about it – we all know those people that we love being around, who just make us feel incredible and important. They make us forget about our problems and make us feel invincible. (And we probably all know a few people who make us feel quite the opposite, whom we probably choose to avoid if possible.)

But surrounding ourselves with positive people does more than make us feel good about ourselves. New research has actually established a link between having a happy spouse and reporting better physical health. It seems to be much like the “Patch Adams” effect of medicine – that a positive attitude and outlook can actually create a physiological effect and promote healing.

This study, conducted by the American Psychological Association, surveyed approximately 2,000 middle-aged heterosexual couples. The survey asked respondents questions about their own health, happiness, and activity level as well as those of their spouses. The results of the survey showed that happy spouses were more likely to report having better health.

That makes sense, right? I think it’s safe to generally assume that a healthy and happy marriage provides emotional support in times of stress and anxiety, physical support in times of injury and illness, optimism in times of uncertainty, and encouragement in times of doubt. Having a partner who is anxiously concerned with our wellbeing helps us develop and maintain healthy habits and a positive outlook on life.

So how do the results of this survey translate to our individual relationships? Perhaps we can take an inventory of our own happiness and relationship with our spouses, and resolve to make improvements. To get started, ask yourself the following questions:

Perhaps the answers to these personal questions can give you an idea of your perceived attitude and how it affects both your and your spouse’s health, as well as some conversation points or ideas for goals to set to improve your and/or your spouse’s attitude and happiness for a happy and healthy life together.

 Positivity in Relationships: What the Research Says

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