Healthy Magazine

Employer HSA Contributions Benefit Everyone

By MotivHealth

It’s no secret that HSAs are an exceptional savings tool for employees and individuals. But did you know that employers reap the benefits of HSAs as well?

As a recap, the benefits that HSAs provide employees and individuals include:

HSAs provide a win-win scenario for employers and employees.

An employer can maximize HSA benefits by setting up a cafeteria plan. A cafeteria plan allows employees to make pre-tax contributions to their HSAs through payroll deferral. This way employees don’t have to take the time to deduct HSA contributions from their tax returns. These plans benefit employers by lowering payroll tax liability and exempting employers from IRS comparability rules.

Additional HSA employer benefits include:

An employer who has 100 employees on an HSA plan can save more than $50,000 a year in FICA tax savings.

In January 2021, 34% of HSAs received employer contributions, and 60% of all incoming HSA funds could be attributed to employer contributions. So, not only do employer contributions lower the taxes that the company must pay, but they keep potentially unfunded HSAs funded, and they promote financial savviness among their employees.


“8 Ways HSAs Benefit Both Employers & Employees”

“HSAs and Their Tax Benefits for Employers”

“Making the Case for Employer HSA Contributions”
Tom Torre

“Who is FICA and Why is He Getting All My Money?”

“Why Cafeteria Plans Matter for HSAs”

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