Healthy Magazine

2014 Cancer Progress Report from the AACR

cancer 2014

The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) released their 2014 report on the progress made against cancer. Here are some of their key findings:

New Anticancer Medicines/Screenings

Between August 2013 and July 2014, the FDA approved six new anticancer therapeutics and approved new uses for five previously approved anticancer therapeutics. Two imaging agents received cancer-related FDA approval in the same time span, as did a screening test.

Children and Adolescent Survival High

Of the 14.5 million cancer survivors today, 380,000 received their diagnosis as children or adolescents.

Molecularly Targeted Treatment

Five of the new anticancer therapeutics are molecularly targeted agents. Many cancer patients have multiple options that molecularly target their cancer.

2014 Summary

In 2014:
• 1.6 million are projected to receive a cancer diagnosis.
• 585,000 are expected to die from the disease.

The AACR calls for the NIH and the NCI budgets to grow, at least comparable to the “biomedical inflation rate.”

“During the past half century, bipartisan support from Congress and the administration for the NIH and NCI has enabled extraordinary progress against cancer,” the report reads. “In doing so, it has saved countless lives, created jobs, and promoted economic growth in the United States. It has also catalyzed the development of the biotechnology industry and secured the United States position as the global leader in science and innovation. Therefore, if we are to increase the rate of progress we are making in the battle against cancer, while at the same time ensure that economic growth in the life sciences continues, it will require sustainable increases in federal funding for the NIH and NCI.”

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