Healthy Magazine

10 Flowers You Can Eat

10 Flowers You Can Eat
Written By Allyson Gordon |

When it comes to your flower garden, there is more than meets the eye. Roses are more than simply beautiful, and dandelions are more than a obnoxious weed; they are also both nutritious and delicious.

Dandelion: Before spraying the weed killer on these yellow beauties, think about adding them to your dinner dish. They can be used to garnish salads, added to spreads such as honey, or blended up in fruit smoothies to add a boost of antioxidants and vitamin A.

Lavender: Satisfying with both savory and sweet, try making lavender salt, honey, jelly, or spread.  Simply adding lavender can help with problems ranging from anxiety, depression, and digestive problems to day to day headaches and stress.

Lilac: This springtime favorite is slightly citrus flavored and is excellent when used in a cold water infusion. To do this, collect lilacs and soak them in water for at least an hour. Strain the lilacs out of the water and enjoy. Also, try adding to salads or use as garnish for desserts.

Sunflower: For best results, harvest unopened buds and steam like artichokes. To eat flower petals, briefly steam to decrease bitterness, then add to salad or use as desired. The flavor is strong but adds distinct flavor.

Marigold: A light citrus flavor makes these backyard superstars an excellent addition to a fresh salad, and is often used as a substitute for saffron. Marigolds contain antioxidants that are known to protect against eye disease and some types of cancer.

Rosemary: Fresh or dried blossoms are used to enhance the flavor of Mediterranean seafood and meat dishes. Contains a variety of vitamins and minerals but is mostly used to add distinct flavor.

Hibiscus: Dried flowers are used most commonly in hibiscus tea. The taste suggests cranberry with a hint of citrus flavor and is best in small quantities. When consumed safely over a long period of time, this tropical diva flower helps maintain normal blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Pansy:  Don’t be fooled by the name, pansies are anything but when it comes to eating. Different colors have slightly different flavors, but flavor is generally similar to fresh grape with undertones of wintergreen. Surprisingly they add great flavor and aesthetic appeal to shortbreads, cakes, and cookies. Pansies contain something called salicylates that act as an anti-inflammatory, which could help with arthritis and related conditions.

Scented Geraniums: This unlikely delicacy adds flavor to sorbet or your favorite family stew. Flavors range from a relishing nutmeg to a lemon zest.  If you’ve had a stressful day or have a headache, dish up a bowl of geranium ice cream, it will help ease the chaos.

Roses: This flavor commonly mimics strawberries, green apples, mint, or spice. Darker flowers produce more pronounced flavor. The petals are harvested to create syrup, jelly, honey, butter, and sweet spreads. The petals contain vitamin C and could help ease symptoms of digestive disorders.

**Before eating flowers from home, make sure you know what it is and that is hasn’t been treated with chemical pesticides. Many flowers are edible, but not all of them, so be sure to research it before consuming. Also, prior to making changes to your diet, check with your doctor about risks and benefits.

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