Healthy Magazine

Must-Know Push-up Variations

Must-Know Push-up Variations
By Angela Silva |

The push-up is the standard of body-weight exercises. Push-ups are some of the easiest and most effective ways to exercise and get in-shape. If push-ups are part of your routine, here are some fun variations to help mix-up your workout and work different muscle groups. They include push-ups for all experience levels. And if you weren’t a fan of push-ups before, you will be after you see these cool push-up variations!

Note: caution is advised when attempting any new exercise program. Especially with the more advanced push-ups, keep in mind it can takes years to work up to these, and only attempt if you are confident in your strength and coordination

Beginning push-up variations

If a standard push-up is too difficult for you, start with standing push-ups and work your way to the floor.

Basic push-up variations

Intermediate push-up variations

Advanced push-up variations

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