Healthy Magazine

Jump Rope Burner Workout

Try Janine’s Jump Rope Burner Workout for AMAZING calorie burning results and overall strength development. If you are bored of running on the treadmill or other traditional forms of cardio, this workout is for you!


Start with the first exercise for one minute, then rest for 30 seconds before continuing on to the next. Repeat the circuit until you get to the top, then start again.

The Circuit

Circuit should be performed three times. Total time 30 minutes.


1. Jump Rope

2. Jumping Jack

3. Straight Leg Kick

4. Jump Rope

5. Butt Kick Jump

6. Plank Hold

Janine Delaney is known as the Jump Rope Queen of social media, for her energetic and unique jump rope workouts that produce amazing fat loss and overall toning results. Janine is a psychologist and mother of two teenage daughters, and promotes fitness as a way of life that goes deeper than what we look like, but how we feel both mentally and physically. She is a living testament that age is just a number and we are only as old as we let ourselves feel.

Jumping rope as one of the most effective overall body workouts for any age level. It provides a great workout, can be done from anywhere and is a lot of fun. In addition, jumping rope holds a multitude of benefits above more traditional forms of cardio, including fat loss, increased mental acuity, upper body muscle development and also serves as a natural mood enhancer.


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