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11 Habits of Fit People

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The Missing Fitness Link

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Change the “Why” of Exercise

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Written by Mike Jones With so much conflicting information at our fingertips, it’s hard to know what to believe. We all know the myriad of benefits that exercise provides: improved mood, stress relief, increased energy, disease prevention, and weight control. Working out can certainly do good things for your skin as well. It increases the blood flow, …

over exercise

Exercise is good for physical health. Duh. We regularly get this message through various trustworthy channels— doctors, public health advertising, and perhaps our friends and families. The message we receive is that we should be exercising more, and for many people, this is true. Most people could probably benefit from getting more exercise than they’re …

exercise no weight loss

A Cochrane review of 43 studies dealing with exercise for weight loss found that “compared with no treatment, exercise resulted in small weight losses across studies.” Uh… what? Let’s digest this for a moment. These researchers are saying that they reviewed dozens of studies and found that exercise really doesn’t have a big impact on …

staying fit

Written by Greg Marshall, Fiture Metamorphosis In today’s high paced world, stress is a serious problem that requires proactive steps to alleviate, so life can be lived at the highest level. What I want to do is share the best ways to work out to reduce stress. #1 Compound Exercises The first strategy to focus …

Sure, you will have a lot of excuses when it is time for you to do your exercise, you may say, busy schedule, tired, sleepy and other excuses that you can think of, but would you excuse yourself from it after knowing that exercise can help you not just feel but look younger? Exercise can …

body squat

How to do squats successfully Written by Greg Marshall, The GYM at City Creek When it comes exercising and strengthening the body, there are few exercises that can compare to the squat. Squats help build up the quadriceps and hamstrings, otherwise known as your legs. Squats also help to strengthen your core. The first thing …

post workout soreness

A guide to after-workout soreness Written by Healthy Magazine Staff A good workout means you’ll feel it the day after, right? Yes and no. Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) does mean that you taxed your muscles. And whether we like it or not, it is the only way to get significantly stronger. There is, however, …

pull up barriers

Why you can’t do a pull-up and how to get there A pull-up requires a variety of muscles. In fact, depending on how the pull-up is done, dozens of muscle groups are activated in the process. But if those muscles aren’t strong enough and if the movement isn’t coordinated, that chin isn’t going to make …

Written by Brenan Quirante  If you haven’t exercised with the intent of being healthy or losing weight, starting an exercise routine might prove to be difficult. Often times, this happens because your body isn’t used to the amount of physical activity that you’re doing; this makes you feel tired more quickly, which can cause you …

exercise outdoors

A fitness conundrum Written by Sadie Wirthlin A monthly period can have a great effect on a woman’s body and how she feels. Suffering from severe menstrual cramps, headaches, and fatigue are just a few of the symptoms that may make a woman want to curl up in the fetal position and not move. Exercise …