4 Facts That Everyone Should Know But Doesn’t

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What Coconut Water is Really Good For

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To Snack, or Not to Snack?

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Written by Sadie Wirthlin The FDA is making a change to all food labels. First lady Michelle Obama, who has been a leading figure in the movement, says that revisions will hopefully reach all labels in the next two to three years. Parts of the label that will be getting a makeover are calories, serving …

Specific ways exercise benefits your mind Written by Sadie Wirthlin Exercising isn’t just something for physical health; it also makes you feel happier and can melt your worries away! Dianna Purvis Jaffin, PhD, director of Strategy and Programs at the Center for Brain Health’s Brain Performance Institute, stated that the brain is not a separate, …

Frequent Fighting Means Frequent Dying

Contention tied to earlier death Written by Karli Moats | Healthy-Mag.com It is safe to say that one of America’s favorite hobbies is observing others in conflict. You turn on the TV to find shows splurging with reality, drama, and our favorite—the confrontation. Everywhere you look you find media broadcasting fights, divorce, and abuse. When you …

Written by Sadie Wirthlin Depression is a condition that affects millions of people. Depending on the severity, conditions may require medications and the results may vary. Early research is being done on how to make these medications more effective, and one promising avenue is to pair anti-depressant medication with certain supplements. Recent research suggests omega-3 …

How to overcome justifications for avoiding physical activity. Written by TOPS Club Inc. Life is hectic. Nothing seems to work. Gym memberships are expensive. There is an endless list of reasons to skip a workout or never begin exercising in the first place. With excuses blurring the benefits, getting fit can be an even bigger …


A Lemon a Day Keeps the Beautician, Doctor, & Weight-Reducing Programs Away Written by Rebekah McClure – Healthy Magazines I want you to stop reading this right now. Good. Now…think. Think of the last time that you got a compliment. I’m not talking about something you were wearing, like “Rachel, that necklace is just to-die-for!” …

Study Shows Why It’s Hard To Keep Weight Off For years, studies of obesity have found that soon after fat people lost weight, their metabolism slowed and they experienced hormonal changes that increased their appetites. Scientists hypothesized that these biological changes could explain why most obese dieters quickly gained back much of what they had …

Deciphering the “Introvert” Label The labels of “introvert” and “extrovert” are tossed around quite freely these days, but pinning either title on someone is often a shallow observation based on limited understanding. Ideas propagated by internet “experts” have led many to believe that an extrovert is someone who likes parties and an introvert is someone …

Written by Michael Richardson When the media talks about a mystery illness, it’s often in reference to some obscure disease with a horrific symptom. But there is an elusive, misunderstood illness that affects more than a million Americans of all ages, and researchers are hustling to get a grip on it, to create better pathways …

Grown-ups are staying inside the lines to find some helpful distraction Written by Angela Silva You need to unwind; work is stressing you out. But you’re too exhausted to exercise. You’d feel guilty binge-watching another series on Netflix. You’re trying to be healthier, so eating junk is out. You don’t have the dexterity to try …