Freezing in the Face of Disaster

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health insurance premiums rise 2016

The Affordable Care Act Duality As people looked through bank records this year to do their taxes they probably saw health insurance premiums jump up from 2015 to 2016. But it’s a chaotic national realization, as some people saw their premiums rise by more than 40 percent, while others saw their rates actually decrease. The …

The issues surrounding the billions raised to fight the deadly disease As Americans learn more about cancer charity organizations and nonprofits, they often aren’t happy with what they find. Big salaries, suspicious distribution of funds and lack of results cause some to close the wallet. The controversy isn’t unwarranted, but a closer look at the …

Potential problems with using sleeping pills long term The topic of sleep is anything but dormant these days. People want to know how to sleep better, and if a sleep disorder is getting in the way (this is the case for a surprising percentage). Sleep medication is the answer for millions of Americans, who just …

dietary guidelines 2015

Every five years, the federal government is supposed to come out with updated dietary guidelines for Americans. These guidelines serve as part of the foundation for things like nutrition education programs, school lunches and government food assistance. They are supposed to provide authoritative, scientifically sound nutrition advice to all Americans over the age of two. …

It sounds like a hip new video game, but the omega-6 controversy is actually part of every American’s daily life. At the root of the issue is the United States’ drastic dietary turn that happened about 65 years ago, which left us with nutritional excesses and deficiencies that altered the national health landscape. The Background …