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Local Experts

Why this holds you back, and how to move forward Written by Greg Marshall, Fiture Personal Training When it comes to working out, there are a lot of people who are concerned about injuring themselves or doing the exercises wrong, so they end up only doing the treadmill or the elliptical as opposed to doing …

helping addicts

One of the hardest situations that a family can face is having a loved one suffering from addiction. Families face a huge dilemma, in which they want to show love and support for their suffering loved one, but that loved one isn’t getting better and often seems to be getting worse. The question families need …

food allergy

When Food Is Dangerous Imagine a poison that is forever within the grasp of your child, often disguised and always dangerous. Imagine the constant need for vigilance in a world where the poison is just a normal snack for everyone else. This nightmare is a reality for many anxious parents and their often-terrified children, thanks …

Dancing With the Stars Pro Witney Carson talks melanoma, overcoming, and relationships Healthy Mag: Tell us about your experience with melanoma. Witney: I was a big advocate for tanning in the UV beds.  In high school I would do that probably three times a week. My dad actually had skin cancer. He had melanoma, and …

The new school year means new clothes, classes, and teachers – and the same old misery due to sneezing and wheezing for children who have allergies or asthma. From the class hamster to dust mites residing in carpet to germs from cold and flu viruses, asthma and allergy triggers lurk throughout the classroom. It’s not …

Written by Dr. Scott Chandler, DMD | Silver Creek Dental There is no denying the fact that many Americans are on a quest for better health, and many are looking to non-traditional means to do so.  Recent changes in healthcare have also caused many to look outside the traditional box for answers.  Furthermore, the availability of …

While I was growing up, for many years on the TV I would commonly see advertisements for “Bayer Aspirin – The Wonder Drug.” Well, that is now more true than perhaps ever before!  It has long been known that taking aspirin helps reduce the risk of heart attack. Basically, anyone who has ever had a …